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Tips On How To Find Affordable Car Insurance Rates Auto insurance is an essential part of financial planning, but understanding it and choosing the right policy can be tricky. There are so many different kinds to sort through, and then choose. Here are some tips to help you get the right auto policy for you: When considering auto insurance, remember to look for your available discounts. Did you attend college? That could mean a discount. Do you have a car alarm? Another discount may be available. Remember to ask your agent about what discounts are available so that you can take advantage of the cost savings! If your car is considered a classic vehicle, you can get what is known as classic car insurance. This is often far less expensive than traditional insurance. If your car is of extreme value though, you will want to insure it for enough to replace it in the event it is wrecked or stolen. People looking to save money on auto insurance should remember that the fewer miles they drive, the more insurance agents like it, because your risk goes down. So if you work from home, make sure to let your agent know. There is a good chance you will see the impact on your rate in the next billing cycle. A simple way to save a bit of money on your auto insurance, is to find out whether the insurance company gives discounts for either paying the entire premium at once (most will give you a small discount for doing this) or taking payments electronically. Either way, you will pay less than shelling out each month's payment separately. A great way to save some money on your car or truck insurance is to drive your vehicle less frequently. Many of today's best auto insurance companies offer discounts to customers for low-mileage, incentivizing people to keep their cars parked. If you can walk instead of drive, you can get some good exercise and save money on your insurance. Students are usually offered a lot of discounts when it comes to auto insurance. If you're a student looking to save money on a policy, check out resident student discounts. These discounts are for students who only use their vehicles during the weekends, holidays and summer months. You can save some big money with this discount. If you have a good credit score, there is a good chance that your automobile insurance premium will be cheaper. Insurance companies are beginning to use your credit report as a part for calculating your insurance premium. If you maintain a good credit report, you will not have to worry about the increase in price. Regardless of whether you are searching online or in person for car insurance, shop around! Differences abound for premium prices, as insurance companies take different viewpoints of your statistics. Some may be more interested in your driving record, while others may focus more on your credit. Find the company that offers you the best coverage for the lowest price. Carpool or take public transportation. Reducing your mileage is a good way to demonstrate to your insurance company that you are a responsible individual. Try to use public transport more often, and you may be eligible for a discount. Before you buy auto insurance, always ask multiple companies for quotes. It may surprise you just how much insurance rates can differ from one insurance company to the next. By checking insurance rates yearly, you can be sure you're paying as little as possible for your insurance. Make sure these quotes are for a similar amount of coverage when you're comparing rates. Having an expensive car or car that is considered a sports car will often increase the price one pays for auto insurance. If one does not like the sound of that then they should consider getting a different type of car. It will not only save them insurance money but often money off the car itself. Be aware of everything you are insuring. A lot of people have car insurance but surprisingly few actually look at the individual things they are insuring. It is important to know your insurance types. You don't want to get in a wreck and find something expensive wasn't covered by your insurance. To get the best deals on car insurance you should be sure to understand the types of policies. This is because there are many types of coverage and they each protect you in different situations. Some of them will be more expensive but also provide higher coverage, while others will be much cheaper but not protect you as much. Did you know that it isn't only your car that affects the price of your insurance? Insurance companies analyze the history of your car, yes, but they also run some checks on you, the driver! Price can be affected by many factors including gender, age, and even past driving incidents. Don't just get the basic coverage that your state requires and think you are off the hook. Make sure you really analyze the value of your car and potential problems you have before deciding on a final policy. Many times the basic requirement is not much more than liability insurance and this can leave you high and dry. If you have a vehicle that is not worth much, consider getting only liability coverage on it. You can save a lot of money this way. You should know that if you have an accident that is your fault with liability coverage, you will not be covered, only the other driver will be covered. To save money on your insurance you should remove rental car coverage. This is an extra that isn't absolutely necessary and costs you more to have on your insurance. You can save more money per year by removing this coverage and pay out of pocket if you need to rent a vehicle. As stated above, auto insurance is incredibly important to your current and future financial planning. It is also important to understand the different kinds to choose the best policy for your personal needs. Following the above tips, is a very good place to start.